Attain were commissioned to deliver PCN clinical strategies as part of the PCN Service and Estates Planning Toolkit. The programme aimed to deliver a PCN-specific estates strategy, based on a developed clinical strategy, with a scope to produce a clinical and estate strategy for each PCN to a level relevant to their current status and future needs. There was a requirement for strategy documents to be in keeping with wider health strategy and national policies, utilising the structure and methodology supported by the data available in SHAPE. We worked with partners, GBP Consult, who developed the estates strategies for the PCNs based on Attain’s clinical strategy development.

What We did

  • Worked across the two ICB areas at PCN level, supporting PCN Clinical Directors and Business Managers with developing an evidenced-based position regarding the clinical stressors (including workforce, recruitment and estates).

  • Engaged with leads to ensure that capacity and quality issues were addressed to fulfil national policy and local demand.

  • Provided support with a three-fold approach:

      1. Programme management, including managing governance and delivery of programme outputs.
      2. Development and delivery of estates and clinical planning support at local levels.
      3. Production of individual strategy outputs at local level.


  • The culmination of this work for all PCNs in the ICB areas was:

      • An understanding of their PHM and their current delivery models.
      • A strategy document of local information from PCN workshops.
      • Clarity on information held in the SHAPE toolkit.
      • Their own agreed clinical strategy as produced on their behalf that can future inform an estates strategy.
  • This clinical strategy allowed PCNs to plan for future services and potential care pathways, detail capacity of the current estate to serve demand/ pathways, provide options on potential Investment opportunities, and assess needs holistically to aide in ICB level planning.