Mental Health & Learning Disabilities Low and Medium Secure Services: NHS Wales
Mental Health & Learning Disabilities Low and Medium Secure Services: NHS Wales
Attain provided strategic advice for the commissioning and procurement of mental health services for the population of Wales to improve the quality standards of care whilst reducing overall costs, for reinvestment into services.
What We did
Establishing a performance management framework underpinned by agreed KPIs, access to management information and consistent patient level data.
Introducing and applying patient focussed outcomes measures in accordance with NHS Wales’ minimum service standards and specifications, ensuring consistent and sustainable high-quality service provision and improved patient outcomes.
The NHS Wales Secure Services Delivery Assurance Group mid-year performance, reported that cost reduction of £4.7m was delivered in 2012/13 with an additional £1.5m envisaged in 2013/14, both more than original financial targets.