Attain were commissioned to provide a Digital Inclusion Baseline Review to ensure that citizens are not left behind at a time of major digital transformation and to help shape future investments in local digital service provision, particularly within health and social care. The review was replicated across multiple ICBs, which provided a consistent approach and output right across the region’s footprint.

What We did

  • We reviewed and analysed a range of locally and nationally available data to provide each Place with a snapshot of key digital inclusion metrics, including deprivation, broadband speeds and access to devices.

  • Through our work with community organisations, a survey was shared across a broad range of the local population, helping to build a qualitative view of local appetite, access and skills for being able to use digital services.

  • We also reviewed the current digital inclusion offers within each Place and undertook a digital maturity assessment with key organisations who are providing digital inclusion support to local citizens.


  • Our Place reports provided detailed intelligence to local stakeholders about segments of their population that are at most risk of digital exclusion and the targeted intervention that each requires.

  • We identified new projects and existing schemes for scaling, designed to have an immediate impact on tackling digital inclusion at Place and ICB-level.

  • We set out a framework for tackling digital inclusion in the longer term, building on our baseline assessment of how each Place and the wider ICB is being structured.

  • The report advised the ICBs on how they can shape a digital inclusion strategy for the benefit of all citizens.