Attain led the development of a Case for Change considering the options for the future provision of estates and facilities services on a collaborative basis in order to:

  • Identify the scope of the efficiency opportunities associated with each option.
  • Bring estates management and expertise together to work as a team.
  • Draft a Case for Change

What We did

  • Established project governance including a PID, programme, programme reporting and an issues log.

  • Analysis and reconciliation of detailed Estates and Facilities Management information to establish an agreed baseline.

  • Options identification for future service provision including, out-sourcing, lead provider.

  • Analysis of options including benefits appraisal and financial opportunity appraisal.

  • Relationship building with Directors of Estates & Facilities.

  • Developed and ran workshops to progress key decisions and explore initial issues.

  • Provided benchmarking.

  • Drafted the Case for Change in a transparent manner including the sharing of all calculations supporting analysis.


  • The Case for Change identified indicative savings ranging from £45million to £252 million over 5 years for the most beneficial option.

  • The Case for Change was supported by the associations ‘Committee in Common’.

  • Next steps were identified together with project timeline and resource plan.

  • Templates and processes were established for other collaborative projects to benchmark.