Attain was commissioned to provide senior leadership to the mental health and learning disabilities commissioning team and to support the CCGs mental health programme more widely.

This included:

  • Engaging with partner organisations to develop a mental health strategy for North Lincolnshire
  • Working with the head of commissioning to identify gaps and development needs across the team
  • Improving the contracting and commissioning relationships and processes with the mental health provider trust
  • Providing strategic leadership for mental health and learning disabilities across the CCG

What We did

  • Working with senior leads from the mental health trust, the Council and the voluntary sector, to develop a five year mental health strategy.

  • Working with the finance team and the trust to develop a mental health investment strategy.

  • Working with the COO and director of nursing to review and revise the mental health contract management structure and approach and developing a work programme for the following year.

  • Providing day-to-day management and leadership to the mental health and learning disabilities commissioning team and wider support to the head of commissioning to produce and implement a team development programme.


  • All partners signed up the mental health strategy, improving collaboration and supporting work on integration with the Council.

  • Revised contract management processes in place, based on a collaborative approach to identifying and addressing issues and to service development.

  • Relationship between the CCG and mental health trust significantly improved, including collaborative development of a mental health investment strategy for the next three years.

  • Working with the trust, developed an innovative model for mental health support in Primary Care Networks and secured funding from both the CCG and the trust to rapidly implement this.