In 2019 Attain was commissioned by Kent and Medway STP to support the development of its MHLDA provider Collaborative Board.

The health and care landscape in Kent and Medway was changing rapidly, in alignment with the NHS Long Term Plan. This presented a significant opportunity to build on this existing work and deliver priorities in the NHS Mental Health Implementation Plan in new ways. ​

The early collaborative work was designed to work at scale alongside the strategic commissioner, geographical ICPs and PCNs to support improved commissioning, service provision and system leadership across mental health in Kent and Medway. ​

Over the course of 2019 to 2022, Attain has continued to support the development of the provider collaborative.

What We did

  • Undertook a desktop review of best practice approaches to integration of mental and physical health services. ​

  • Led a wide-reaching stakeholder engagement exercise.

  • Set out a strong case for change.

  • Designed a collaborative framework and agreed three specific focus areas​.

  • Designed the governance of the provider collaborative, including around delegated authority from the ICB and relationship with Place.

  • Led Board development sessions through the evolution of the collaborative.

  • Designed the governance structures, including provider collaborative models (including shared leadership / lead provider and alliance models).

  • Designed the workstream programmes and supporting individual programmes to deliver.


  • Helped to convene key partners across Kent and Medway to focus on an approach to mental health transformation that is ‘system by default’.

  • Helped to secure strong partner buy in and commitment that has been sustained for a number of years.

  • Agreed a collective vision for collaborative working that supports the integration of mental and physical health services across Kent and Medway.

  • Established a portfolio of proof-of-concept projects.

  • Supported the provider collaborative to achieve:

    • Right people
    • Collaborative approach
    • Vision
    • Agenda and work programmes
    • Financial clarity