Attain was commissioned to carry out a review of autism and ADHD services in East Berkshire for all ages, which also included developing a new service model and a service transformation plan.

Following the production of the final review report the CCG commissioned Attain to begin to implement the new pathway changes.

  • Lead the CCG and partners through the first two phases of implementing the new care pathways
  • With local providers and partners, carry out a process review (of diagnostic pathways) to improve the efficient use of system resources and positive experience of service users and their families/carers
  • Review and map all autism and ADHD training for key workers/parent carers/service users and to move to a more coordinated approach for this

What We did

  • Carried out a baseline assessment of the NICE autism and ADHD guidelines for each service area and created actions plans where there were gaps.

  • With the service leads, we created service process maps identified hotspot area for improvement.

  • Created service improvement plans for each service area.

  • Developed a demand and capacity workforce model for all service areas and modelled future workforce needs.

  • Mapped all training available for professionals, service users parents and carers.

  • Validated the information and collected views on what the future training and support should look like.

  • Co-designed an early support service specification.


We developed:

  • A task and finish group which met bi-weekly for the life of the project.

  • A communication plan and website page developed.

  • An easy read version of the report from phase one developed.

  • NICE guidelines action plan for autism 0-19, adults autism and all age ADHD.

  • Process maps for each service area together with actions plans to address hotspot area for improvement.

  • A workforce modelling tool and summary report outlining resources required for the future.

  • A training guide for professionals outlining all training currently available.

  • An early help service specification.