Following the successful delivery of the Diagnostic Workforce Strategy in August 2023, Attain were requested to return to Gloucestershire to design and deliver a Diagnostic workforce workstream to drive forward the ambitions of the strategy and implementation plans. The aim was to co-produce the governance framework for the programme, aligned to the Trust, the ICB Diagnostic Board and the ICB Workforce team. This was to include relevant programme documentation, including TORs and a suite of PMO tools.

What We did

  • We revisited the strategy to ensure the plans were still appropriate, recognising that 6 months had lapsed since production.

  • We engaged with the clinical operation and executive leads from across Trust, networks and ICB to seek views and opinions around the development of Diagnostic workforce workstream. This was to ensure it would add value and did not duplicate what already existed, recognising that workforce is a theme discussed and tackled in most forums.

  • We considered best practice and case studies from regional and national projects, and developed an options appraisal of structure for discussion and development.


  • A Diagnostic Workforce Programme Management pack was developed and presented to the HR Director of the Trust and the Diagnostic Programme Director for the ICB, based on intelligence from the region and networks.

  • We delivered a comprehensive suite of PMO Tools including:

    • Draft Terms of Reference
    • Project Opportunity Document
    • Diagnostic Programme Workbook
    • Workforce Prioritisation Tool
    • Highlight Report Template
    • Draft Business Case