Attain was commissioned across the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System to provide leadership to the development of the Imaging Network.

Our objectives were :

  • Working jointly across the 5 Acute Providers to develop a co-produced work plan which aims to develop networked imaging and diagnostic solutions to meet the needs of the patient population of South Yorkshire, Bassetlaw and North Derbyshire.
  • Developed the principles around a shared IT solution to support capacity needs and sharing expertise to meet RTT and Cancer Waiting Times Targets.
  • Support the development of the Imaging Workforce Strategy and associated implementation plan across all staffing groups within Imaging, including the development of the reporting workforce to increase reporting capacity to meet current demand and future needs.

What We did

  • Worked with System Leaders and Local Department to  develop a system wide programme of work jointly across the ICS and Cancer Alliance highlighting joint priorities, supporting local departments to meet national targets and jointly manage risk.

  • Worked jointly with Health Education England to scope the future requirements of the established Imaging Academy and shared learning opportunities.

  • Engaged across departments to develop an action plan using the findings of a recently developed Capacity and Demand report.

  • Engaged nationally and other leading areas to share learning on approach and development to support local developments.


  • Produced a long term programme of work across the ICS and Cancer Alliance to develop networked solutions to Imaging, to both support local demand and meet the future needs of faster diagnostic targets.

  • Workforce Strategy approved across the system along with implementation plan.

  • Implemented a communications approach to support local level engagement.

  • Implemented the process around management of risk jointly, highlighting potential for shared expertise and capacity.