Attain was commissioned by Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership to:

  • Rapidly develop a series of Five Case business cases for eight Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs) across the ICS in order to increase diagnostic capacity and support elective recovery.
  • Set-up and lead a system-wide programme to establish five CDCs in year one, delivering significant additional diagnostic activity across Imaging, Endoscopy, Pathology and Physiological Measurement.
  • Support joint working across two adjacent Trusts to deliver an Early Adopter site, increasing diagnostic capacity through collaboration across workforce, estate, digital and operations.

What We did

  • Developed detailed business cases for each CDC by assessing population-need, existing estate, capital requirements, and provider’s ability to expand capacity and capability.

  • Established and led a system-wide programme of work offering strategic leadership, bringing together clinical and operational stakeholders, and mentoring Trust’s through the CDC development process.

  • Developed and led Workforce and Digital workstreams, bringing leaders together across the ICS to resolve system-wide issues.

  • Provided leadership and established local governance structures, in order to rapidly establish the early adopter sites.


  • Established 5 CDCs with business case approval from NHSE/I to establish 2 further CDCs in-year.

  • Delivered over 80,000 instances of additional diagnostic activity across the CDCs in 22/23.

  • Tackled complex system-wide issues by; developing pay recommendations, consulting on Digital Staff Passports, analysing the system’s diagnostic workforce, and mapping digital diagnostic workflows. Working through diagnostic symptomatic pathways through the system.

  • Rapidly stood-up additional diagnostic activity at the joint Early Adopter site, establishing good working relationships that have helped to overcome complex operational challenges.