
For the past 16 years Mark has focused exclusively on working with the NHS; helping to transform care in a way that improves efficiency and benefits patients directly.

He has worked across health and care systems and with individual organisations to broker consensus and develop sustainable models of care that meet people’s future needs. This has included ground-breaking programmes that have resulted in major changes in care economies – significant shifts in care activity, the implementation of capitated budgets with contract values of up to £285m and the integration of clinical services across multiple, independent, acute Trusts.

Mark brings a deep understanding of implementing effective change; he personally leads Attain’s delivery in several geographies including the East of England and the North West. Mark began his career in manufacturing industry with Honda and Unipart before moving into health firstly with KPMG and then Avail Consulting. He has been Attain’s Managing Director since our formation in January 2011.

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