NHS 111 Online Implementation


NHS Digital

Implementation of NHS 111 Online Service


NHS 111 online is a cost effective, user friendly and clinically validated digital service that helps to shift demand away from the 111 telephone service and provide users with a convenient alternative to address their health concern.

 As an implementation partner, Attain have co-delivered the new NHS 111 online service alongside;

  • local health economies and NHS Digital throughout England, in order to help meet the demanding timeframes set by NHS England for this flagship programme
  • Also, analytic expertise has also been provided in order to build robust data products that are supporting both internal and external communications and engagement.  This includes a dedicated self-service BI tool that improves the data flow to sites that are now live with the service.

What we did

Our support involved:

  • Engaging closely with STPs, CCGs, providers, NHSE regional teams and NHSD colleagues to build and tailor the necessary project infrastructure, plans and delivery strategy for each area.
  • Through an agile approach to product development and delivery, Attain informed and led on key service improvements, including the way stakeholder communications and engagement is managed, a single delivery plan to reduce variation in the implementation process and a BI portal that improves the quality service data that is available.
  • Further analyses was also carried out to help demonstrate the impact of 111 online in key focus areas, such as validation of UEC demand and channel shift.

Our impact

  • Attain has so far supported the implementation of 111 online in 131 CCGs, which represents 65% of the population.
  • Our support has helped improve the equity of urgent care provision across England, by ensuring that a significant and growing proportion of the population have access to a digital urgent care triage tool, alongside the existing telephony service.
  • As well as improving access, Attain have also worked to improve the effectiveness of the 111 online product through the data analysis and insights gathered to help develop a patient-centric product.

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